
Sunday, October 30, 2016

SETI "WOW" Signal Decoded Points to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.

This is an analysis of the SETI Wow Signal using simple numerology and a focus on religion.  If you believe in the UFOs being associated with God and Angels, then this religious focus would have most likely been our first radio message from the extraterrestrials.  UFOs have been associated with religions by many individuals with an open mind.  As a witness of several UFOs,  I have seen a correlation in my analysis of the UFOs with religious meaning.  I have used numerology on several UFOs and I feel strongly, that extraterrestrials have been our Angels for a very long time. My article and analysis of one UFO called the "Moon of Memphis" UFO reflect significant religious meanings.  It was a second coming event honoring all the good earth religions and the analysis of the SETI Wow signal also seem to point to this historic UFO in 1964.  (  (

On August 15, 1977 at 22:16 or 10:16 PM EDT, a signal was detected by Ohio State University SETI Project from the constellation Sagittarius.  Sagittarius, half human and half horse, is the centaur of mythology, the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven.  This signal called the "Wow Signal" was 6EQUJ5 with a following (6) and (7).  If I decode the signal with numerology we get interesting words.  Using the values of A=1, B=2, C=3 through Z=26 for our numerology analysis, we find the analysis rich in religious words.   First 6=6+E=5+Q=17+U=21+J=10+5=5 for a total of 64.  When you look at the sequence, the core letters equal 53 but the first number of 6 may have been meant to be subtracted from the core 53 for a sum of 47 which is decoded sum of the word "Dios".   If you flip 47 for 74 then you get the sum of the words "Messiah", "Jesus", "Cross", "Muhammad", "killing", and "Joshua".   When we add the number 5 which is right of the core of 53 then we get the sum of 58 or the sum of the words "Angels", "Beliefs", and "Star".  If you reverse 58 for 85 then you get the sum of the word "Churches".  Together the words of 47 and 58  mean "Dios Angels and Star".   If we take the 6+5=11 and add to sum of just the letters which is 53 the we get 64.  If we subtract 11 from 53 then we get 42.  The sum of 42 is "UFO", "New", and "Sin".  When you add 42 to the (6) and (7) that followed the main sequence you get 55 which is the sum of "Heaven".   If you add 42 to 67 you get 109 for the sum of the words "Worthy", Listening", "Mosques", and "Consciences".  If we subtract 42 from 100, we get 58 which is sum of the word "Star".   The span between 42 and 64 is 22.   The sum of 53 is the words "Sabbath",  "Allah's", and "Achieve".  The reverse of 53 is 35 which sum of word "Mahdi".  If we subtract 53 from 100, we get 47 which is sum of "Dios".  When we take the following numbers of (6) and (7) which is 13 and subtract from 53, we get 40 or sum of "Buddha" and "David".   If we add 13 to 53 we get 66 which the sum of the words "Appeared", "Sociable", "Freedom", "Ancient", and "Lunar".  The span between 40 and 66 is 26 which is the sum of the word "God".  When you add 53 to 67 for 120, you get the sum of the words "Christians", "Nativity", "Illuminated", and "Interacting".  The "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared in 1964 and the words that has the same numeric sum of 64 are:  "Israel", "Zion", "Jeshua" as Hebrew word for Messiah Jesus, "Peter", "Gautama" as Buddha, "American", "test", and "Mercy".   The reverse of 64 is 46 which is sum of words "Best", "Logic", "Indra" (Hindu God of Heaven),  and "Rein".   If we subtract 64 from 100 we get 36 for the sum of word "Child".  When you add 64 to 67 for 131 you get the sum of the words "Wonderment", "Worldview", and "Crucifixion".  The numbers of 6+5=11 for the month of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appearance.  The span between 42 and 64 is 22 for the day of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appearance.  All together we get 11-22-64 of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO event.  If we decode to letters all of the signal then we get the letters (6=(F),EQUJ,5=(E)) meaning Flying Entity Q (or God) Under Jesus Entity; when we rearrange the letters for another meaning then we get (UFQEJE) meaning Unidentified Flying Q (or God) Entity, Jesus Entity.  If we take 1964 and 19+64=83 which is the sum of "Memphis"; if we 64-19=45 for the sum of "God's". If we take 1+9+64=74 for the sum of "Messiah, Cross, Jesus, Muhammad, and Joshua"; if we subtract 64-1-9=54 for the sum of "Islam" and "Love".  If we subtract 64 from 100 we get 36 which is sum of word "Child" meaning the 7 year old witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and Jesus, the child of Bethlehem.   In the first sequence the 6 and 5 for 65 is the sum of the words "Ascends", "Raping",  and "Seven" meaning the age of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness.  The second sequence numbers of 6 and 7 could mean 67 subtracted from 100 for a sum of 33 for the God "Amen", "name", "or", and the initials (WHB) of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness.  Also the discoverer of the signal, Jerry R. Ehman has initials (J=10+R=18+E=5 for a sum of 33.  The witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO is "Bickers" and the sum of this last name is 67.  Also the sum of the word "Soul" is 67.  If we add the 64 +6+7= 77 which is the sum of the words "Christ", "Character", "Judaism", "matter", "wrong", and "Power".  If you subtract (6) and (7) or 13 from 64, you get 51 which is the sum of the words "Saved", "Preach", "Angelic", "Galilee", "Great",  and "Demon".  The 6 and 7 converted to letters are (F) and (G) which together could mean Friendly or Flying God.   If you add the 6+7=13 which is the sum of the initials of Jesus Christ (J.C.); and 13=M for the "Moon of Memphis" UFO; then subtract 13 from 77 you get 64 for the 1964 year of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appearance; if you add 13 to 77 you get 90 for the 1990 first voice communications of UFO spirits in the mind of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness. Words with sum of 90 are "rational", "inspire", "Temples", and "Mosque".  When you just add the numbers 6+5+6+7=24 which is sum of the letter "X" or the words "Glad", "Era", and "Sad".   The reverse of 24 is 42 for the sum of the word "UFO".   The "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared after 24 days from wishing or praying to see an UFO.  The "U" from the signal decodes to 21 which is the same as the word "at".

If you take only the numbers of the signal 6-5-67 with 67 meaning 1967 then you will have the start of the famous Six Days War whereby Israel defeated the invading neighbor countries.  This date may mean that UFO and the God called "Amen" interceded to improve the outcome for Israel and was their Messiah with this Miracle War.   The historic battle of Armageddon was probably the famous Six Day War of Israel in 1967 and that is why it decodes in the signal numbers.   The date 6-5-1967 has a sum of 34 which is the sum of the word "Allah" (meaning God). When you add 6+5+67 you get 78 or the sum of "Bethlehem", "Kennedy", and "Repent".   When you take 1967 and add 1+9+67 for 77, the sum of "Christ"; if you subtract 1 and 9 from 67 you get 57 for the sum of "Mary" and "Moon".   When you just decode 65; you get the sum of the words "Risen", "Mayhem", "Beloved", "Rejoice", and "Admirable".

The time 10:16 pm could be perceived as 10+16=26 which is the sum of the word "God" and 10=J meaning perhaps Jesus; if you used 22:16 then the digits equals 11 for the month of November whereby the "Moon of Memphis" UFO appeared on 11-22-1964 at 2200 and lasted about 16 minutes.  If you decode 22:16 as 22=V and 16=P then it could mean Virtue Power.  If you add the 72 seconds to 22:16 you get 22:17; the 17=Q (Flying God).  By adding 22+17=39 or the sum of the abbreviation "St." for Saints.  If you add 22:16 as 22+16=38 you will have the same sum as the date of the signal 8-15-1977.  The 38 is the sum of the words "fire", "death", and "Kind".  If you reverse the 38 for 83 then you get the sum of "Memphis". 

If we decode the date 8-15-1977 we get a sum of 38 and in 1938 the radio show drama performed by Orson Welles, "War of the Worlds" was aired.  If we take 1977 and subtract the 1+9 from 77 for a sum of 67 and subtract that from 100 for a sum of 33 for the God called "Amen". Words with 67 as its sum are "Lives", "Receive", "Work", "Elvis", and "Bickers" (witness last name).  "Elvis" died the day after the signal 8-16-1977 at 42 of age with 42 the sum of "UFO" in his home of Memphis, Tennessee thus this is another pointer to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.  When we add 1+9 to 77 we get 87 which the sum of the words "Priests", "Truth" and "Baptist" (the witness religious denomination at seven years old).  When we reverse the 87 for 78 then we get sum of word "Bethlehem".   If we take 1977 and subtract 19 from 77 for a sum of 58 which is the sum of the words "Angels", "noted", and "Star" or Star of Bethlehem UFO.  When you add 19 to 77, you get 96 which the sum of the words "Forgiven" and "Bigotry".  If you decode the month 8 = H and the day 15 = O then it may mean Holy Object. The 77 from 1977 is the sum of the word "Christ" and the 1+9=10 or J for Jesus thus 1977 means Jesus Christ.

The signal was 72 seconds long which is the sum 72 of the street "Leweir" where the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO was observed.  The sum of the word "world" is also 72.  The 72 seconds = 1 min 12 seconds with 1=A and 12=L or AL or (A)rtificial (L)ife; the sum of 72 is 9 for (I) or (I)ntelligence.  The 7=G and 2=B for possibly 7 year old or (God's Bickers), the witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO.

The frequency of the signal 1420.4556 MHZ could be summed up to be 1420 = 7 and .4556 = 20 or 7.2 for the length of the transmission or the street "Leweir"; the 7=G and 20=T meaning possibly (G)od's (T)ransmission ; and the 7 could mean the age of the witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO with 20 meaning T for Testimony meaning 7 year old Testimony.  The sum of 1420.4556 = 27 which is the sum of the words "Code", "Job", or "Race" and "JFK"; the "Code" could mean numerology taught by UFO spirits to the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness, "Job" could mean a Schizophrenic prophet like the Biblical "Job" and also like the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness; and "Race" could mean White, Hispanics, and Blacks which could mean WHB or the initials of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness.  The race could mean the U.S. Presidential race phenomenon over 26 "twenty six years" (26=God) (1990-2016) since first UFO spirit contact whereby the initials WHB of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness was one or more of his initials in the President's initials as a clue to the importance of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO testimony, analysis, theology, and Revelation.  Also, there are 27 books in the New Testament of the Bible.  The frequency 1420 could mean 14=N, 20=T plus .4556 could mean DEEF for a message: "Noble Transmission" / "Divine Entity Eternal Friend" and a possible meaning in reverse "Feed The Needy" or "Feed Everybody End Death".  The 1420 could be look at as 1="A" and 42="UFO", "Sin", and "RVB" (witness father) or Amen's UFO.  In addition, the .4556 could mean 1964 with the 55 meaning sum of the word "Heaven" and 5+5= 10=J for Jesus or 1+9 and the 6 and 4 is 64; the 1420 could mean 14+20 = 34, the sum of the words "Hate", "Grace" and  "Allah".   If you take 1420.4556 and add 14+20+20=54 for the sum of the words "Islam" and "Love".  When you add the 45+56 for 101; you get the sum of the words "Atheists", "Christian", and "Magnificent".    Also, .4556 could mean 45="God's" and 56="Disabled", "Hindu", "this", and "friend" for a message "God's Disabled Friend" meaning the schizophrenic witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and the witness' father who had lost an arm to cancer in 1974 (74 is sum of Jesus, Messiah, and Cross).   Lastly .4556 could mean the 46 the sum of Hindu God of Heaven "Indra" with 55 sum of "Heaven" and "Mahadeva". 

The declination of the signal was J2000 Equinox of 26 57' +-20'   which could mean 26 as sum of word "God" and 57 as sum of word "Moon" and "Mary" plus the birth year of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO witness; together may mean God of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and Mary.  If we add the 20' to 57' then we get 77' and 77 is sum of word "Christ"; if we subtract 20' from 57' we get 37' which is sum of the words "Like" and "Hell".  The signal nearest star was Tau Sagittarii which decodes with Tau=42 which is the sums of  "War", "sick", and "UFO"; and Sagittarii=113 which is the sum of "Judgments" for a message of "UFO Judgments".  The signal came from the M55 cluster and 55 is the sum of the words "Satan", "Pass", "Wages", and "Heaven".  Lastly the signal occurred near the comet "Christensen" which decoded to 134; "Christ" is 77 and "ensen" sum is 57 same as the word "Moon" so the numerology meaning could mean Christ Moon or the "Moon of Memphis" UFO; also the 34 of 134 means "Allah".

The event was collect in U.S. which is the sum of 40 or "Buddha" or you can say the U.S.A sum is 41, the sum of the words "Good" "else", and "Ehman".   If we analyze the location of the SETI Project, "Ohio", we get a sum of 47 which is the sum of the word for God in Spanish called "Dios" and the word "John".   Lastly the word "Wow" has a sum of 61 which is the same for the word "UFOs". This analysis strongly suggests that God using a possible UFO created by God was responsible for the signal and the decoded sum of the signal of 64 makes it a pointer to the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO event of the God called "Amen".

If we change the numerology values by making A=0, B=1, C=2 through Z=25 we get interesting findings.  First the 6EQUJ5 changed to numbers will be 6=6, E=4, Q=16, U=20, J=9, 5=5 for a total of 60.  The words "Seven" and "Bickers" equal 60.  If we use our new numerology values for 6 and 7 follow the first sequence, for a number 67, we can find that the word "Messiah" equals that sum. Though this numerology values are not conducive to religious analysis, the point that the witness name decodes from 60 and the word "Messiah" decoded from 67 are noteworthy and helps proves that the signal came from the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and that the seven year old witness Bickers is truthful about its appearance and that the "Wow" signal was a transmission from the Messiah.

This UFO probably has a Christ consciousness and contains the soul of Jesus and may be an UFO Heaven for the spirits and souls of good and kind life on Earth as well as Angels or extraterrestrials.  The analysis also suggests that many of the world's religions are respected and represented by the SETI Wow Signal.   This radio signal helps to prove that the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO was a solid object with radio capabilities, not a atmospheric plasma ball of light.  UFOs can communicate with humanity and possibly can affect home radios.  As known as the "Star of Bethlehem"  Holy Light,  it could probably broadcast the songs and words of Angels both with radio transmitter and mind voice and noise transmissions at mind wave frequencies.  The signal location, signal, frequency, duration, and date suggest that the signal had to have been engineered by God and UFO computer coordination with a religious focus to be discovered by US analysts or anyone else who can use simple numerology to learn its meaning and organized the decoded words into some meaningful message.  The UFO spirits in my mind tasked me to work on decoding the event which I have done and I hope that UFO believers will be satisfied that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO was real and probably was also known in the past as the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO.

A possible message from the decoded words of the Wow signal analysis is:

The Dios, God, Allah, Indra, Mahadeva, Christ, or Buddha of the UFO name is the Great "Amen".  Jeshua or Jesus Christ's Soul and Cross have grace, character, and power.   Israel and the "Star of David" are Zion for those of Judaism.  Allah's Angels love this kind UFO Mahdi Muhammad of Islam.  May the Mosques, Temples, and Churches inspire you to be kind.  Bigotry of race, beliefs, or the disabled is a sin so be a friend; make it your job to feed them and be forgiven.  Raping and killing are wrong and sick.  Lives matter so like work code and receive truth from priests or the seven year old Baptist child, an American Christian, who noted on the Sabbath, 11-22-1964 at Leweir St., that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO ascends to be the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO and God's or Allah's new era.  The UFO appeared  illuminated, lunar, interacting, sociable, wonderment; has worldview; inspire freedom; and is ancient and magnificent.  The Israel War of 6-5-67 is God's or Allah's Mercy.  UFO Angels are worthy listening consciences.  Preach that the Angelic Christ from Galilee saved us from the great demon Satan.  The UFOs have and love the Angels of Christians, Gautama Buddha, Hindu, Indra (the Hindu God of Heaven), Mahadeva, Muhammad, Islam, Joshua, Judaism, the Kind, God, Allah, plus (RVB) and (WHB) Bickers, Elvis, Pres.(JFK) Kennedy, and (JRE) Ehman.  Messiah Jesus Christ, Mary, St  Peter, St John, Indra, Mahadeva, Hindu Gods, Mahdi Muhammad, Angels of Allah, Joshua, Angels of Judaism, Good Atheists, and Gautama Buddha who inspire mercy and love want you to be best, glad, kind, and rational then go to this UFO heaven, or else the sad fire of hell or war by God's rein and UFOs' judgments or logic. Hate Death and Mayhem, they are the wages of Satan.  Because of the Nativity or the Crucifixion of Christ, those of this World that repent are forgiven of hate, sin, and war.  Rejoice because the beloved, admirable Christ has risen.   Pass the Satan test, achieve good character. 

For more information on the 1964 "Moon of Memphis" UFO then click and read:  (  and ( and ( and (

P.S.  Some think that comets caused the signal but the "Moon of Memphis" UFO is estimated a ten acre UFO which could contain enough hydrogen to create the signal and also pass as a comet looking phenomenon.  The possibility exist that UFOs assume a comet pattern when not active and may use gases to make a frozen shell to protect it over long periods of time from erosion from meteor and space dust.  Maybe when UFOs sleep they protect themselves by becoming comets and occasionally send signals to each other or Earth.  This may be why comets appear at important times such as the new centuries or when some event on Earth occurs.  The two comets in space when the "Wow" signal was received may be in fact UFOs who transmitted the signal to take advantage of the year of 1977 to convey to the Earth its Christ orientations.  It would therefore be possible for a UFO such as the "Star of Bethlehem" to appear as a comet and stop above the town of Bethlehem at time of Jesus' birth.  This is why I believe more UFO phenomenon occur when the event date has some numerological significance.   It was true with the "Moon of Memphis" UFO and it seem also true with the "Wow" Signal.  I believe that the Comet Christensen was chosen for the "Moon of Memphis" or "Star of Bethlehem" to transmit from because its name contained the point of the transmission; that the UFO responsible is associated with Christ and the transmission should be studied with a religious focus as I have done.  It is interesting that the comet explanation occurred shortly after the numerological analysis with a religious focus became public.  After forty years, it is hard to believe that it took this much time to come up with a comet theory.  If comets created the phenomenon, then this would have been discovered much sooner and also would be more common.  I believe some in science and maybe government want to cover up or discredit the true source of the signal.   The characteristics of the Wow signal including the date strongly suggest that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO or "Star of Bethlehem" UFO made the signal since these phenomenon seem to be religious in nature and the decoded signal seem religious in nature.  The timing of the spirits interest in decoding the signal coincides with the analysis and decoding of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO over fifty years from that 1964 phenomenon and forty years from the signal date.  I believe that the signal was to be decoded by the witness of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO for the purpose to lend support to the witness in his analysis and testimony pertaining to the profound purpose of the "Moon of Memphis" UFO that is the Second Coming of the Messiah and spirits of the religious leaders of the primary world religions.  The Wow signal is a profound signal to be associated to a profound UFO and its witness, William Harding Bickers.   Try to believe in them both because they are numerological proof that at least one UFO exist that can affect radio receivers and possibly want humanity to respect its religious orientations because the extraterrestrials are spirits that should be regarded as Angels and mentors to humanity through religious influence.  The analysis of the signal suggest that the "Moon of Memphis" UFO or the "Star of Bethlehem" UFO is "sad" and is "God's disabled friend" suggesting that this UFO may be disabled which may compromise the world's celestial heaven.  I suggest that no one target this UFO and let's protect it for the good and potential information and heaven that it represents to humanity.  Do not let evil spirits or reports of UFOs or alien abductions cause you as a world government to be prejudice against this good UFO.   No one should shoot things at UFOs, the Moon, or Comets because that will go against the will of God and will cause bad luck or Karma for you and your nation.   

William Harding Bickers
Capt. USAF / Lt. USCG Retired
3315 Adair Drive
Memphis, TN 38127

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